Waste Utilization In Home Horticulture.

Discuss issues and concerns related to the use of oragnic wastes in home gardens.
Home gardeners face a dizzying array of waste materials for use in gardens and landscapes.  Many are locally or regionally marketed, and because they do not fall under state fertilizer laws, they are often misused, or at least misunderstood, by the homeowner.  Products available for home use may or may not go through rigorous testing, and may or may not be uniform within or among lots.  In addition, waste products marketed to homeowners may or may not be suitable for the intended use.  The renewed interest in home food production makes it imperative that users of these materials receive sound information on characteristics and uses of the products available for use in their gardens and landscapes.  This workshop will shed light on the diversity of waste products available to homeowners and address some of the pitfalls seen from the use of widely available and not so widely available products.  Participants will gain insights into both the potential of waste products for home use, as well as a better understanding of some of the caveats many of these products have.
Sunday, July 26, 2009: 8:00 AM
Jefferson C (Millennium Hotel St. Louis)