Examining the 4R Concept of Nutrient Management: Right Source, Right Rate, Right Time, Right Place

The International Fertilizer Industry Association (IFA) has is promoting the Global '4R' Nutrient Stewardship Framework, designed to facilitate the development of site- and crop-specific fertilizer best management practices, based on sound science. This workshop will expose participants to this concept and allow for the discussion of the issues associated with the adoption of these nutrient management practices.
This workshop will focus on the 4R concept of nutrient management, whose principles can be applied to both organic and inorganic fertilizer sources. This concept can help farmers and the public understand how best management practices for fertilization contribute to agricultural sustainability goals.  Goals for economic, environmental and social progress are set by, and reflected in performance indicators which have been validated by research, and are then chosen by the farmer.  Each topic in this workshop will be led by five nationally known leaders in this field.  Each session will be briefly introduced with a presentation by each speaker, who will then lead a lively discussion of each topic among the workshop participants.  
  1. Importance of getting nutrient application right (environmental, economic, and productivity) –  Robert Mikkelsen (Director -International Plant Nutrient Institute)
  2. Selecting the right nutrient source (covering organic and new technology) – Mark Gaskell (University of California Cooperative Extension)
  3. Getting timing right (matching plant demand) – Marc van Iersel (University of Georgia)
  4. Placing nutrients in the right place (placing nutrients where they can be accessed) – David Bryla (USDA-ARS, Oregon)
  5. Getting the rate of nutrient application right (challenges of predicting appropriate rate, nutrient management recommendations) – Bielinski Santos (University of Florida)
Wednesday, August 4, 2010: 10:00 AM
Desert Salon 1-3
10:00 AM
10:30 AM
2. Selecting the Right Nutrient Source
Mark Gaskell, University of California Cooperative Extension
See more of: Workshop