Publish or Perish: Trials, Tribulations, and Triumphs

Monday, September 26, 2011: 8:45 AM
Queens 6
Marc van Iersel, Ph.D Professor , Department of Horticulture, University of Georgia, Athens, GA
Given the amount of effort that goes into planning experiments, conducting the research, and writing up the results, it is important to get papers out of the research. Publishing is an important, but sometimes confusing, part of the scientific endeavor. Peer-reviewed publications are needed for promotion and tenure, while the sponsors of your research may have different expectations. Industry organizations, for example, may value articles in trade magazines more than scientific papers. So how do you balance different expectations, and keep everyone, including yourself, happy? How do you decide where to publish, and can you publish your findings more than once?  What happens to your paper after you submit it?  This talk will demystify the publication process, and give tips on how to improve the chances of getting your work published. Writing papers is a long process, and the planning should start well before you write the first word.