The Grape Doctor – a Vineyard Problem Diagnosis Tool

Monday, September 26, 2011
Kona Ballroom
Edward W. Hellman , Texas A&M Univ, Lubbock, TX
Fritz A. Westover , Texas AgriLife Extension Service - Harris County, Texas AgriLife Extension, Houston, TX
Identification of the cause of vineyard problems, especially those that are non-routine, often can be difficult and may require expert consultation with Extension specialists or crop consultants.  Frequently, grape problems are time-sensitive and a rapid diagnosis is desired so that appropriate corrective actions can be quickly taken.  The Grape Doctor is the first of its kind web-based interactive grape problem diagnosis tool. It is a featured resource of the eXtension Grape Community of Practice and can be accessed at <>. The Grape Doctor uses a symptom-based diagnostic approach corresponding to the perspective of a grower observing an unknown problem in the vineyard.  A series of illustrated menus progressively guides the diagnosis through selection of the problematic part of the vine (e.g., leaves), characterizing the problem (e.g., leaf spots), and describing the symptoms (e.g., size, shape, color, location of spots).  Diagnostic results are presented as an illustrated list of potential causes of the problem, ranked by probability (high, medium, low).  Problem names are hyperlinked to a Problem Profile page that provides additional information to assist the diagnosis.  Problem Profiles contain photos and narrative descriptions of: primary symptoms or signs, secondary or occasional symptoms or signs, patterns of occurrence, occurrence in the U.S., associated risk factors, problems with similar symptoms or signs, and additional actions to assist the diagnosis. A database was constructed of problems associated with grape production in the United States, including diseases, insects, other pests, nutritional deficiencies and toxicities, physiological disorders, weather related injuries, herbicide and chemical phytotoxicity, etc.  Members of the eXtension Grape Community of Practice contributed their expertise in viticulture, plant pathology, entomology and other related disciplines to contribute, review and edit database items for technical accuracy. The Grape Doctor currently has more than 150 grape problems in its database.  A smartphone application is under development to facilitate real-time problem diagnosis in the field.