Polinization and Growth Regulators On Productivity of Olive Tree Under Dessertic Condition of México

Saturday, July 25, 2009
Illinois/Missouri/Meramec (Millennium Hotel St. Louis)
Raul Grijalva-Contreras , Olive, INIFAP, Caborca Sonora 83600, Mexico
Rubén Macias-Duarte, M.C , Soil and Horticulture, INIFAP, Caborca, Mexico
Arturo Arturo López-Carvajal , Oliveculture, INIFAP, Caborca, Mexico
Fabián Robles Contreras , Alternative Crops, INIFAP, Caborca Sonora 83600, Mexico
Manuel de Jesús Valenzuela-Ruiz , Viticulture, INIFAP, Caborca, Sonora, Mexico
Fidel Nuñez Ramirez , Student, ICA-UABC, Caborca, Sonora, Mexico
Olive production in the world reaches an annual average about of 12 million tons, of which 90% is for oil use and the rest for table olives; contrary, in Caborca, Sonora, the 90% of the production is used for table olives for the U.S.A. market. In this research we compared the effect of artificial pollination and growth regulator ‘Bioforte’ on 'Manzanillo' cultivar. There were two applications of pollen, the first on April 3 at doses of 30 g ha-1 when there was a 15% flowering and the second on April 5 at doses of 40 g ha-1 to 80% of flowering. The pollen used was ‘Sevillano’. The Bioforte treatment was applied before flowering (March 29) and was applied using 0.2%. The pollen application increased statistically the olives yield, obtaining an average yield of 2464 kg ha-1 versus 1273 kg ha-1 in the control trees. The increased yield when we applied pollen on olive tree ‘Manzanillo’ was of 94 %. By other side, Bioforte application not affected yield. Fruit quality such as weight, diameter, length of the olive as well as the relationship pulp-pit had no statistical differences in pollination or by the application of Bioforte