Alternatives to Methyl Bromide for Raspberry Nurseries

Saturday, July 25, 2009: 4:45 PM
Jefferson A (Millennium Hotel St. Louis)
Michael Particka , Mount Vernon NWREC, Washington State University, Mount Vernon, WA
Thomas Walters , Mount Vernon NWREC, Washington State University, Mount Vernon, WA
John N. Pinkerton , Horticultural Crops Research Lab, USDA-ARS, Corvallis, OR
Inga Zasada , USDA–ARS, HCRL, Corvallis, OR
Raspberry nurseries use preplant soil fumigation with methyl bromide:chloropicrin (mb:pic) to produce disease- and nematode-free plants.  The use of methyl bromide has been largely phased out, and exemptions for continued use are becoming more difficult to obtain.  Successful alternatives to mb:pic must provide full control of plant-parasitic nematodes, Agrobacterium tumefasciens, and Phytophthora rubi.  In trials conducted over two years mb:pic and alternative fumigants were evaluated, including: Midas® (Methyl Iodide:cloropicrin), Telone® C-35 and InLine® (Telone:cloropicrin), solarization and a solarization + Inline® combination.  Midas® applied at 350 lb/A under a conventional (HDPE) tarp consistently provided excellent control of all weeds and pathogens.  Reduced (175 lb/A) rates of Midas® were less effective than full rates.  Use of a Virtually Impermeable Film (VIF) tarp enhanced the efficacy of Midas® applied at the reduced rate, and also enhanced efficacy of Telone® C-35.  All of the treatments except for solarization controlled root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus penetrans), and all of the treatments evaluated enhanced marketable yield of nursery plants.