Field Performance and Propagation of Vaccinium Elliottii Selections

Saturday, July 25, 2009: 2:15 PM
Jefferson D/E (Millennium Hotel St. Louis)
WeiQiang Yang , North Willamette Res & Ext Center, Oregon State University, Aurora, OR
Nonnie Bautista , North Willamette Res & Ext Center, Oregon State University, Aurora, OR
James Ballington , NC State University, Raleigh, NC
A ¼ acre field plot was established at the North Willamette Research and Extension Center (NWREC) in late 2005 to evaluate three Vaccinium elliottii blueberry rootstock selections (NC284-5, NC823-2, and NC824-8) from the NC state blueberry breeding program.  The evaluation criterions included plant vigor, sucker production, and stem diameter.  In 2006 and 2007, the stem diameters of these three rootstock selections were not different.  In 2006, NC284-5 exhibited longer shoot length compared to NC823-2, while NC824-8 had the shortest shoot length.  NC824-8 had the most suckers produced after two growing seasons.   In 2007, NC284-5 continued performing well in terms of number of suckers and new growth.  NC284-5 also was the tallest plant with the fewest suckers produced in both years.  NC284-5 appears to be the best selection to be a potential rootstock for blueberries with excellent vigor and low sucker production. Grafting of three blueberry cultivars (‘Duke’, ‘Bluecrop’, and ‘Elliott’) onto these rootstocks in 2008 indicate ‘Elliott’ appeared to be less compatible than ‘Duke’ and ‘Bluecrop’.  Propagation experiment found that all three rootstock selections are relatively easy to propagate for commercial production with over 90% rooting by both softwood and hardwood cuttings.