Introduction to Public Horticulture and University Gardens

Sunday, July 26, 2009: 2:00 PM
Field (Millennium Hotel St. Louis)
Robert Lyons, PhD , Longwood Graduate Program, University of Delaware, Newark, DE
The field of public horticulture has never been more relevant than it is today, and the university-based garden has historically figured prominently within its widening definition.  The managing personnel of these gardens often originate from academic departments characterized by dominant, traditional horticultural specialty areas; and garden managers frequently possess discipline expertise in other areas in addition to public horticulture.  For these and other reasons, ASHS has been their primary professional society.  In the absence of formal, ASHS recognition of public horticulture and an observed, growing interest in this field amongst its members, the ASHS leadership convened a Task Force at the 2008 national meetings to consider options for measuring and serving a membership audience having public horticulture interests. The initial Task Force discussions and results of a Society-wide survey will be discussed, as will the efforts to establish a new ASHS Working Group in public horticulture and the opportunities for future activities within ASHS.