Biopesticides and Reduced Pesticide Approaches In Horticultural Cropping Systems
Biopesticides and Reduced Pesticide Approaches In Horticultural Cropping Systems
To provide horticulturists with information on biopesticides and reduced pest management approaches in order to promote greater adoption.
To provide horticulturists with information on biopesticides and reduced pest management approaches in order to promote greater adoption.
Limiting adverse effects on human health and the environment, pesticide resistance, limited pesticide options for specialty crops, reduction in production costs, and providing pest management options for organic systems are some of the many reasons driving research on biopesticides and reduced pesticide approaches. However, adoption of these approaches often fails to keep pace with conventional pesticide usage and may be due to less or no marketing, slower activity, and lower efficacy that demands integration with additional measures. The workshop will highlight the applicability of biopesticides and other approaches that can reduce the reliance on or eliminate the need for conventional pesticides for managing weeds, insects, and pathogens in horticultural cropping systems.
Monday, July 27, 2009: 3:30 PM
Laclede (Millennium Hotel St. Louis)