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The 2009 ASHS Annual Conference

Nursery and Greenhouse Water Use, Water Conservation Strategies and Treatment Technologies

Monday, July 27, 2009: 4:00 PM
Jefferson A (Millennium Hotel St. Louis)
Youbin Zheng, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, Canada
Michael Dixon, Univ of Guelph, Guelph Ont N1G 2W1, Canada
In 2008 a national survey was conducted on overall water use, the application of water conservation strategies and treatment technologies in the Canadian ornamental plant production industry (e.g. nurseries, floriculture greenhouses, sod farms and Christmas tree farms).  Also, between 2002-2003 a survey was conducted of the water and nutrient use, including advantages and disadvantages of some of the water conservation technologies used in vegetable and floriculture greenhouses in Ontario where majority of Canada’s greenhouse operations were located.  Our research team at the University of Guelph has been conducting studies on water conservation and treatment technologies for many years.  Among our projects was an extensive study of the critical free chlorine levels for controlling common soil- or water-borne plant pathogens.  We have also established chlorine phytotoxicity thresholds for more than 20 ornamental crop species.  These critical chlorine levels and phytotoxicity thresholds are essential in guiding the use of chlorine products in irrigation water treatment.  This talk will present the results of the above mentioned surveys and research results to facilitate discussion of water and nutrient management issues in modern horticulture.