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The 2010 ASHS Annual Conference

Effect of Several Management Practices On Olive Productivity in Warm Climate of Mexico

Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Springs F & G
Raul L. Grijalva-Contreras, Oliveculture, INIFAP, Caborca Sonora, Mexico
Arturo Arturo López-Carvajal, Oliveculture, INIFAP, Caborca, Mexico
Ruben Macías-Duarte, Nutrition, INIFAP, Caborca, Sonora, Mexico
Fabian Robles-Contreras, Irrigation and Alternative Crops, INIFAP, Caborca, Sonora, Mexico
Manuel de Jesús Valenzuela-Ruiz, Viticulture, INIFAP, Caborca, Sonora, Mexico
Fidel Nunez Ramirez, Universidad Autonoma de Baja California, Caborca, Mexico
Olive world production is about 12 millions tons annually; however 90 percent is for oil production and only 10 percent to table olive. The acreage in Mexico is 8,051 ha and Sonora State is the main table olive production with 2,600 ha and a production between 10,000 to 15,000 ton annually. The main variety used is ‘Manzanillo’. The objective of this trial was to evaluate the Grower technology (GT) as control versus INIFAP technology (IT) on olive table production. This experiment was carried out during 2007 year at the Experimental Station (INIFAP).We established five commercial plots with growers (SPR Campo Aguilar, SPR Gilberto Mendez, Ejido Morelos, Experimental Station and Campo San Jose) using between 1.0 to 4.0 ha for each plot and olive tree of six to sixteen years and plant density between 100 to 200 trees ha-1. The drip irrigation system was present only in three plots. The main components compared were artificial pollen applications using ‘Sevillano’, water management, adequate fertilization and weed control. The harvest was carried out during July, 15 to August, 25 2007.  Our results showed in the first year better yield of olive fruit using (IT) with means of yield of 6534 kg ha-1 versus 4556 kg  ha-1 when we used (GT). The increase yield in each plot varied of the 24.8 to 91.2% and always using (IT). The higher yield was observed on SPR Gilberto Mendez with 12,335 and 8,818 kg ha-1 using (IT) and (GT), respectively. The fruit weight and flesh to pit ratio were non significant in both technologies and among commercial plots. We have not recorded any important insect pest or disease during this trial.