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The 2010 ASHS Annual Conference

1-MCP and Ripening of Fruit and Vegetables

Thursday, August 5, 2010: 10:00 AM
Desert Salon 1-3
Christopher B. Watkins, Department of Horticulture, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
The availability of 1-MCP has resulted in extensive research activity around the world on its effectiveness to improve storage potential and maintain quality of fruit and vegetables. At the same time, 1-MCP has also provided a valuable tool to understand the effects of ethylene on ripening and senescence.  The effects of 1-MCP on the important factors associated with product quality - pigments, softening, flavor and aroma, nutrition, and on physiological and pathological disorders – will be reviewed.  Understanding of the effects of 1-MCP on these factors is critical to the development of this breakthrough technology for many horticultural products will rely on the successful delay, but not complete inhibition, of ripening and senescence processes.