The Growing Involvement of Horticulture In e-Extension: Updates and Opportunities
The Growing Involvement of Horticulture In e-Extension: Updates and Opportunities
This workshop will provide updates that highlight the increasing number of eXtension Communities of Practice (CoP) related to Horticulture. These CoPs will provide updates regarding their formation and strategies for developing and delivering content. There will also be a discussion regarding how communities have obtained funding and possible future funding opportunities as discussed by USDA, eXtension, and CoP leaders.
This workshop will provide updates that highlight the increasing number of eXtension Communities of Practice (CoP) related to Horticulture. These CoPs will provide updates regarding their formation and strategies for developing and delivering content. There will also be a discussion regarding how communities have obtained funding and possible future funding opportunities as discussed by USDA, eXtension, and CoP leaders.
The national eXtension Initiative officially launched its public web site ( on February 21, 2008, at the USDA Agriculture Outlook Forum in Washington, D.C. Work on this Initiative has been ongoing for several years. In 2005, eight communities of practice (CoPs) were funded to begin identifying and/or developing content for eXtension. Among these pioneer CoPs was one devoted to consumer horticulture that participated in the public launch using a more user-friendly identity of Gardens, Lawns, and Landscapes (GLL). In the last few years, additional horticulture themed CoPs have been developed including: All About Blueberries; Apple Rootstocks and Cultivars; and Grapes. Other, CoPs exist that relate to horticulture including: Bee Health; eOrganic; Plant Breeding and Genomics; and Wildlife Damage Management. This workshop will provide information on the formation of many of these CoPs with an emphasis on funding strategies that will help sustain these communities and perhaps launch new ones.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011: 10:00 AM
Queens 6