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The 2011 ASHS Annual Conference

�A Taste of Technology�- Advanced Master Gardener Training

Wednesday, September 28, 2011: 10:45 AM
Kohala 4
Robert E. Call, MS, Cochise County Cooperative Extension, Univ of Arizona Cooperative Extension, Willcox, AZ
Master Gardener volunteers (MGV) enjoy learning and increasing their skills. Advanced training for MGV is a method to keep trained personnel actively involved in the program. A five week, hands-on, advanced training course entitled, “A Taste of Technology,” was begun January 25, 2006. A second course was begun April 7, 2008. A third training in a neighboring county began April 13, 2009. The last training began on May 12, 2010. The objective of the trainings was to improve the knowledge and skill sets of MGV so they can be more effective. Classes met in the Computer Laboratory at the University of Arizona, South Campus once a week for up to three hour. Topics were: desktop computer hardware components and software programs; emailing; web browsing and searching; webpage design and posting; digital photography and enhancement; GPS/GIS; and PowerPoint® presentation construction and delivery. Presentations were made by Extension personnel and MGV. The average attendance for each session was 16 MGV. Evaluations were all positive with an overall rating of 4.6, on a scale of 1 (low) to 5 (high). Many benefits have occurred from this advanced training program. Some examples are: MGV now maintain the Cochise County Master Gardener Website-; they give educational PowerPoint® presentations; digital photography is used to archive images of pests and other problems in a database; all communications for the MGV program are done electronically. Over 1025 subscribers of the monthly newsletter are notified using email and only 105 physical copies are made and mailed, a decrease of 93%. GPS/GIS programs are being used to identify and list locations of ornamental plants on Campus.