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The 2011 ASHS Annual Conference

Propagation Techniques of Select Tropical Ornamentals, Specialty Crops, and Native Plants In Hawaii

To demonstrate a variety of propagation techniques utilized in Hawaii for ornamental plant production and native plant preservation.
Hawaii has long been recognized for its uniquely diversified tropical horticulture research and education. The wholesale value of Hawaii’s floriculture and nursery products is estimated at $80.1 million for 2009.  Landscape plant material and nursery products were valued at $36.5 million, followed by orchids at $15.7 million, foliage at $12.4 million, cut flowers at $7.2 million, potted flowering plants at $4.1 million, and lei flowers at $2.6 million.  In addition to many other commodities, Hawaii is also known for its specialty fruit market with an estimated 2.1 million lbs of fresh fruit produced in 2008 (USDA-NASS, 2009).  The booming ornamental industry in Hawaii co-exists with declining native plant populations and a critical need for recovery plans that utilize innovative propagation techniques.  This workshop was designed to highlight some of the propagation techniques (in vitro culture, grafting, air layering, seed storage and germination, and stem cuttings) that have been developed to facilitate high quality production of select species, for the introduction of improved agronomic or ornamental plant selections, and for the preservation of critically endangered native plant taxa.  The three 30 minute oral presentations will be followed by a Plant Propagation Working Group Business Meeting.
Monday, September 26, 2011: 1:30 PM
Kings 3