Vegetable Grafting/Protected Agriculture for African Growers

Thursday, August 2, 2012: 9:40 AM
Matthew D. Kleinhenz , The Ohio State University, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, Wooster, OH
Tomato and pepper production and consumption are key sources of income and nutrition in East Africa; however, production there is limited by various types of stress. Grafting and microenvironment management can reduce these stresses but are underutilized by area farmers. This Exploratory Project is built on the partnership of the Kenya Agricultural Research Institute, 700+ member Kangai Tisa Horticultural Farmers Association and the Ohio State University. We help Kenyan vegetable farmers to use grafted plants and microenvironment management tools (e.g., low/high tunnels) more frequently and effectively. Knowledge and resources developed in this project will also be employed in Uganda and Tanzania.