International Horticulture—Food Security Issues

Friday, August 3, 2012: 11:30 AM
Prem Nath Sr., Ph.D., (Horti.) , Agriculture, Dr. P.N.Agricultural Science Foundation (PNASF), Bangalore 560 094, India
With the increase in production and consumption of fruit and vegetables worldwide, there has been acceleration in movement of fresh and processed products across the nation and across the continents, and from food abundance to food deficit areas. According to FAO, presently one billion people worldwide are suffering from hunger and malnutrition, which demands for both national and international intervention to mitigate food insecurity. The International Conference on Horticulture (ICH–2009) held in Bangalore during November 2009 highlighted the importance of horticulture and recognized that it is (a) a strong supporter to food security, (b) a major contributor to nutrition security, (c) a promoter of health improvement, and (d) an important source of employment and income generation. In this context, the presentation to the ASHS Annual Conference 2012 will discuss the present global scenario, rising challenges, constraints, and thrust areas to be addressed.