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The 2012 ASHS Annual Conference

Characteristics and Volunteering Behaviors of Purdue Master Gardener Interns and Master Gardeners

Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Grand Ballroom
Elizabeth Gall, Youth Development and Agricultural Education, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Mark A. Tucker, Purdue University & YDAE, West Lafayette, IN
Steven K. McKinley, Purdue University & YDAE, West Lafayette, IN
Brenda Rose Lerner, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Kathryn S. Orvis, Associate Professor, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
Relationships of variables of volunteering behaviors and characteristics of Purdue Master Gardener Interns and Master Gardeners were measured through a retrospective questionnaire in Indiana.  Variables measured were demographics of the respondents, attributes of the program, respondents’ attitudes about volunteering, respondents’ self-efficacy to volunteer, operationalization of participation, and prior volunteering experience.  A goal of this study was to measure relationships among variables and between variables and total volunteering hours across all volunteering sectors. This one-time, online Qualtrics questionnaire was administered to Interns and Master Gardeners through the Purdue Master Gardener county coordinators.  Of the 754 responses received, 194 are Interns and 560 are Master Gardeners of which most are in the Advanced Master Gardener level of the program.  The median age of respondents was 55 to 64 years of age with most respondents having been in the program from 1 to 5 years.  Respondents reported volunteering a median of 6–14 hours per month. Additionally, the study sought to identify if some variables measured can predict total volunteer commitment.  Identifying predictive variables of Interns and Master Gardeners and describing the participants and attributes of the program may lead to program changes, which in turn, may lead to an increase in participation and possibly an increase in volunteering.  Increase in volunteerism is important during economically challenging times to meet community needs.