Production and Harvest Mechanization (Poster)
Thursday, August 2, 2012: 12:15 PM
Grand Ballroom
Development of Intelligent Spray Systems for Nursery Crop Production, Poster Board # 125
Heping Zhu, USDA ARS;
Erdal Ozkan, The Ohio State University;
Richard D. Derksen, USDA–ARS;
Michael E. Reding, USDA–ARS;
Christopher M. Ranger, USDA–ARS;
Luis Canas, The Ohio State University;
Charles R. Krause, USDA–ARS;
James C. Locke, USDA–ARS;
Stanley C. Ernst, The Ohio State University;
Randall H. Zondag, The Ohio State University, Hort. & Crop Sci.;
Amy Fulcher, University of Tennessee;
Robin Rosetta, Oregon State University;
Hong Young Jeon, USDA–ARS;
Yu Chen, The Ohio State University;
Jiabing Gu, Nanjing Agricultural University;
Hui Liu, The Ohio State University;
Yue Shen, The Ohio State University;
Alfredo A. Rios, The Ohio State University