The 40 Gallon Challenge: A Simple Effective Educational Tool

Thursday, July 25, 2013: 9:00 AM
Desert Salon 9-10 (Desert Springs J.W Marriott Resort )
Ellen Bauske , University of Georgia, Griffin, GA
Paul Pugliese , University of Georgia Cooperative Extension, Cartersville
Melanie Biersmith , University of Georgia, Rock Eagle 4-H Center, Eatonton
Emily Pitts , University of Georgia, Athens
The growing population and subsequent water demand have coincided with several high impact droughts in the southeast, increasing the pressure on limited water supplies. Water conservation throughout the region is a necessity and a challenge. The 40 Gallon Challenge web site was created ( to encourage people to pledge to save 40 gallons of water a day. Essentially a self-audit checklist, the Challenge provides an estimate of water savings resulting from the implementation of conservation practices. Total daily savings are estimated when the practices are selected. Participants choose practices that fit their lifestyle, and then pledge to implement them. In the process of choosing, participants learn how to conserve water and how much water is used in routine activities. The challenge targets water conserving horticultural practices including use of rain barrels, composting, and mulch. It also focuses the participants’ attention on low water-use landscaping, irrigation systems and watering. The tool is effective in changing behavior; 86% of the respondents to a follow-up survey reported following through with at least 75% of their pledge. Extension Master Gardeners have used the Challenge as an educational tool in many venues.  The Challenge may serve as a model for other educational activities.  It is flexible and easy to use.  It encourages personal reflection of educational messages. Finally, it calculates the impact of the educators’ efforts at the county, state and national level.