Drip Irrigation/Plastic Mulch Kits for Home Gardeners
Drip Irrigation/Plastic Mulch Kits for Home Gardeners
Thursday, July 25, 2013: 8:00 AM
Springs Salon D/E (Desert Springs J.W Marriott Resort )
Because most small-scale farmers, urban growers, and home gardeners have difficulties utilizing a combination of drip irrigation and plastic mulch, a method to facilitate the usage of this commercially proven method of production is of much interest among this group of growers. This report will evaluate plots from multi-state tests conducted at university research centers, community gardens, and home gardens employing a newly designed drip/mulch kit. The report will cover the pros and cons of such a system and will include analyses of installation, water and weed management, soil conditioning, crop responses, disposal and recycling options, and overall cost.
See more of: Workshop: New Innovations in Commercial Horticultural Applications
See more of: Workshop
See more of: Workshop