Science for Specialty Crops
2013 ASHS Annual Conference
July 21 - 27, 2013
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Growth Chambers and Controlled Environments (Oral)
Tuesday, July 23, 2013: 8:00 AM
Springs Salon A/B (Desert Springs J.W Marriott Resort )
Jiwan P. Palta
8:00 AM
Shoot Tissue Pigment Concentrations in Broccoli Microgreens Are Higher under Narrow-Band Wavelengths from LEDs than under Fluorescent/Incandescent Light
Dean A. Kopsell
The University of Tennessee
Carl E. Sams
The University of Tennessee
Robert C. Morrow
8:15 AM
Glucosinolate Concentrations of Broccoli Microgreens Are Greater under Specific Narrow Wavelength LED Light Regimes than under Conventional Fluorescent/Incandescent Light in Controlled Environments
Carl E. Sams
The University of Tennessee
Dean A Kopsell
The University of Tennessee
Robert C. Morrow
8:30 AM
Comparison of LED Supplemental Lighting and High Pressure Sodium Energy Consumption and Plant Responses of Cucumber and Tomato Transplants
Ricardo Hernández
University of Arizona
Chieri Kubota
University of Arizona
8:45 AM
Comparison of Light-emitting Diode Towers Versus High-pressure Sodium Lamps for Year-round Production of High-wire Greenhouse-grown Tomatoes
Celina Gomez
Purdue University
Cary A. Mitchell
Purdue University
9:00 AM
Oedema/Intumescence Injury on the Leaves of Potato Plants Is Mitigated by Calcium Nutrition
Jiwan P. Palta
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Justin E Schabow
University of Wisconsin, Madison
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