Ornamental Plant Breeding (Oral)

Tuesday, July 23, 2013: 8:00 AM
Springs Salon D/E (Desert Springs J.W Marriott Resort )
8:00 AM
8:15 AM
The Ornamental Plant Trialing Program at Star Roses and Plants
Michele Scheiber, NovaFlora LLC; Michael Dobres, Star Roses and Plants, NovaFlora LLC
8:30 AM
8:45 AM
Improved Floral Characteristics of Tetraploid Stephanotis
Ken W. Leonhardt, University of Hawaii; Susana D. Vanzie-Canton, Business woman
9:30 AM
Genetic and Phenotypic Characterization of Oriental Lilies Transformed with Genes of Herbicide Tolerance and Flavonoid Biosynthesis
Soo Jung Hyun, Dankook University; Sun Kim, Dankook University; Young Sook Ryu, Dankook University; Byung Joon Ahn, Dankook University
See more of: Oral Abstracts