Pomology (Oral)

Wednesday, July 24, 2013: 10:15 AM
Desert Salon 9-10 (Desert Springs J.W Marriott Resort )
10:15 AM
Mechanical Harvest of Hard Cider Apples
Carol A. Miles, Washington State University; Jonathan Roozen, Washington State University; Jacqueline King, Washington State University; Karen Hasenoehrl, Washington State University; David Bauermeister, Northwest Agriculture Business Center
10:30 AM
The Effect of Summer Hedging of Tall Spindle Apple Trees on Growth, Fruit Quality, and Flowering
Terence Lee Robinson, New York State Agricultural Experiment Station; Mario Miranda-Sazo, Cornell University; Stephen A. Hoying, Cornell University; Leonel Dominguez, Cornell University; Jose Fachinello, University of Pelotas
11:15 AM
Genotypic Variation in Apple Rootstock Cold Temperature Tolerance
Renae Moran, University of Maine; Fang Geng, University of Maine; Gennaro Fazio, USDA–ARS; John A. Cline, University of Guelph
11:30 AM
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