Propagation (Oral)

Tuesday, July 23, 2013: 4:00 PM
Springs Salon D/E (Desert Springs J.W Marriott Resort )
4:00 PM
Adventitious Shoot Regeneration from Asiatic Lily
Kedong Da, The Institute for Advanced Learning and Research; Hannah Farish-Williford, The Institute for Advanced Learning and Research; Samantha Smith, The Institute for Advanced Learning and Research; Barry Flinn, Institute for Advanced Learning and Research
4:15 PM
Development of a Rooting Protocol for Oenothera Spp. Vegetative Cuttings
Stephen Stanphill, Oklahoma State University; Bruce L. Dunn, Oklahoma State University
4:30 PM
Use of Unrooted Grafted Vegetable Cuttings: I. Effects of Healing Duration and Transportation Temperature
Chieri Kubota, University of Arizona; Mark A. Kroggel, University of Arizona; Leo Sabatino, University of Arizona; Brent Salazar, University of Arizona
4:45 PM
The Effect of Rootstock Age on Grafting Ability, Re-rooting, and Field Performance of Grafted Watermelon Transplants
Shawna Daley, Clemson University; Richard L. Hassell, Clemson University, Coastal Research & Education Center
5:00 PM
Germination Enhancement of Common Honeylocust (Gleditsia triacanthos) Seeds by Scarification
Chiwon W. Lee, North Dakota State University; Saeum Choi, Seoul National University; Karson Beckstrom, North Dakota State University; Todd P. West, North Dakota State University
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