SCRI-MINDS Water Utilization and Management (Oral)

Tuesday, July 23, 2013: 8:00 AM
Desert Salon 13-14 (Desert Springs J.W Marriott Resort )
8:00 AM
Control of Poinsettia Stem Elongation: Height Limits using Deficit Irrigation
Peter Alem, University of Georgia; Paul Thomas, Ph.D Professor, University of Georgia; Marc van Iersel, Ph.D Professor, University of Georgia
8:15 AM
Subirrigation Controlled by Capacitance Sensors for Citrus Rootstock Production
Rhuanito Soranz Ferrarezi, Campinas State University/UNICAMP; Maycon Diego Ribeiro, Federal University of Campina Grande/UFCG; Marc van Iersel, Ph.D Professor, University of Georgia; Roberto Testezlaf, Campinas State University/UNICAMP
8:30 AM
Estimation of Green Roof Stormwater Efficiency using Sensor-informed Models
Olyssa Starry, University of Maryland; Andrew Ristvey, University of Maryland; Steven Cohan, University of Maryland; John D. Lea-Cox, University of Maryland
8:45 AM
Effects of Water Availability and Temperature on CAM Expression and Water Use Efficiency by Sedum album and Sedum kamtschaticum
Olyssa Starry, University of Maryland; Jongyun Kim, Pai Chai University; Sue Dove, University of Georgia; Marc van Iersel, Ph.D Professor, University of Georgia; John D. Lea-Cox, University of Maryland
9:00 AM
Carbon and Water Flux Responses to Physiology by Environment Interactions: A Sensitivity Analysis of Climate Impacts on Biophysical Model Parameters
William L. Bauerle, Colorado State University; Alex B. Daniels, Colorado State University; Dave M. Barnard, Colorado State University
9:15 AM
Implementing Substrate Moisture Set-point Irrigation Control in Cut-flower Greenhouse Production
Jongyun Kim, Pai Chai University; Bruk E. Belayneh, University of Maryland; John D. Lea-Cox, University of Maryland
9:30 AM
The Costs and Benefits of Sensor Networks for a Cut-flower Greenhouse Operation
John Majsztrik, University of Maryland; Erik Lichtenberg, Ph.D., University of Maryland; Monica Saavedra, University of Maryland
See more of: Oral Abstracts