Science for Specialty Crops
2013 ASHS Annual Conference
July 21 - 27, 2013
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SCRI-MINDS Water Utilization and Management (Oral)
Tuesday, July 23, 2013: 8:00 AM
Desert Salon 13-14 (Desert Springs J.W Marriott Resort )
Olyssa Starry
8:00 AM
Control of Poinsettia Stem Elongation: Height Limits using Deficit Irrigation
Peter Alem
University of Georgia
Paul Thomas, Ph.D Professor
University of Georgia
Marc van Iersel, Ph.D Professor
University of Georgia
8:15 AM
Subirrigation Controlled by Capacitance Sensors for Citrus Rootstock Production
Rhuanito Soranz Ferrarezi
Campinas State University/UNICAMP
Maycon Diego Ribeiro
Federal University of Campina Grande/UFCG
Marc van Iersel, Ph.D Professor
University of Georgia
Roberto Testezlaf
Campinas State University/UNICAMP
8:30 AM
Estimation of Green Roof Stormwater Efficiency using Sensor-informed Models
Olyssa Starry
University of Maryland
Andrew Ristvey
University of Maryland
Steven Cohan
University of Maryland
John D. Lea-Cox
University of Maryland
8:45 AM
Effects of Water Availability and Temperature on CAM Expression and Water Use Efficiency by
Sedum album
Sedum kamtschaticum
Olyssa Starry
University of Maryland
Jongyun Kim
Pai Chai University
Sue Dove
University of Georgia
Marc van Iersel, Ph.D Professor
University of Georgia
John D. Lea-Cox
University of Maryland
9:00 AM
Carbon and Water Flux Responses to Physiology by Environment Interactions: A Sensitivity Analysis of Climate Impacts on Biophysical Model Parameters
William L. Bauerle
Colorado State University
Alex B. Daniels
Colorado State University
Dave M. Barnard
Colorado State University
9:15 AM
Implementing Substrate Moisture Set-point Irrigation Control in Cut-flower Greenhouse Production
Jongyun Kim
Pai Chai University
Bruk E. Belayneh
University of Maryland
John D. Lea-Cox
University of Maryland
9:30 AM
The Costs and Benefits of Sensor Networks for a Cut-flower Greenhouse Operation
John Majsztrik
University of Maryland
Erik Lichtenberg, Ph.D.
University of Maryland
Monica Saavedra
University of Maryland
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