Emeriti (EMER) Working Group Business Meeting

EMERITI (EMER) Working Group Meeting Blanche Dansereau, Arlie Powell, Chairs The EMER Working Group provides a forum for retired horticulturists where some issues of concern to ASHS can be defined, analyzed, and acted on. Goals include: to establish and to identify an accessible reservoir of research, extension, and teaching talent that may be called on for help and guidance. 1. Attendees are invited to pick-up a lunch and join Emeriti members in an informal meeting; 2. Welcome participants, opening remarks and introductions; 3. Provide information from local contact (current Emeriti member or soon to be) for other things to do (i.e. a good place to meet for dining and or other activities as a group; 4. Hot topics to avoid in research because of what has been done in the past; 5. Participate in an oral session to mentor students by letting them know what they did good what they did wrong or why they lost the audience; 6. Selection of incoming chair for WG; 7. Other items for discussion; 8. Adjournment. Chair: Blanche Dansereau Chair-elect: Arlie Powell
Monday, July 22, 2013: 12:00 PM
Desert Salon 3 (Desert Springs J.W Marriott Resort )