eXtension (EEXT) Working Group Business Meeting
eXtension (EEXT) Working Group Business Meeting
To identify those individuals who are involved in eXtension Communities of Practice (CoP) and provide opportunities for collaboration and sharing of ideas and methods among CoP participants through ASHS publications and meetings. Chair 2012-13: Alex Stone, Chair-elect: Milt McGiffen Secretary: Danielle Treadwell
To identify those individuals who are involved in eXtension Communities of Practice (CoP) and provide opportunities for collaboration and sharing of ideas and methods among CoP participants through ASHS publications and meetings. Chair 2012-13: Alex Stone, Chair-elect: Milt McGiffen Secretary: Danielle Treadwell
Monday, July 22, 2013: 1:00 PM
Desert Salon 11 (Desert Springs J.W Marriott Resort )
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