Growth Chambers and Controlled Environments (CE) Working Group Business Meeting
Growth Chambers and Controlled Environments (CE) Working Group Business Meeting
To provide leadership for horticulturists in the use of growth chambers and controlled environments and to provide a means for cooperative research and teaching among those using or interested in such facilities in their programs. Chair 2011-2012: Robert Morrow Chair-elect: Gioia Massa Secretary: Gioia Massa Chair 2012-14: Dr. Gioia Massa Chair-elect: Dr. Marc Van Iersel Secretary: Dr.Dean Kopsell
To provide leadership for horticulturists in the use of growth chambers and controlled environments and to provide a means for cooperative research and teaching among those using or interested in such facilities in their programs. Chair 2011-2012: Robert Morrow Chair-elect: Gioia Massa Secretary: Gioia Massa Chair 2012-14: Dr. Gioia Massa Chair-elect: Dr. Marc Van Iersel Secretary: Dr.Dean Kopsell
Monday, July 22, 2013: 3:00 PM
Desert Salon 11 (Desert Springs J.W Marriott Resort )
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