Workshop: Contributions of Luther Burbank: Plant Breeding Artist and Legend

The objectives of this workshop are to: 1) honor Luther Burbank, legendary plant breeder and horticulturist; 2) examine the contributions and present fate of Luther Burbank’s creations; and 3) emphasize the role of artistry and horticulture in plant breeding.
Monday, July 22, 2013: 1:45 PM
Springs Salon D/E (Desert Springs J.W Marriott Resort )
2:20 PM
2:35 PM
Luther Burbank’s Plums
David A. Karp, University of California
2:50 PM
21st Century Approach to Improving Burbank’s ‘Stoneless’ Plum
Ann Callahan, USDA–ARS, Appalachian Fruit Research Station; Chris Dardick, USDA–ARS, Appalachian Fruit Research Station; Ralph Scorza, USDA–ARS, Appalachian Fruit Research Station
3:05 PM
Luther Burbank’s Contributions to Walnuts
John E. Preece, USDA-ARS; Gale H. McGranahan, University of California
3:20 PM
Luther Burbank’s Berries
Kim E. Hummer, USDA–ARS, NCGR; Chad E. Finn, USDA–ARS, HCRU; Michael Dossett, B.C. Blueberry Council (in partnership with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada), Pacific Agri-Food Research Centre
3:35 PM
See more of: Workshop