Workshop: Sustainable Weed Management

This workshop will offer interactive weed control research presentations that lessen or eliminate the need of herbicides and compare certified organic weed control to uncertified. Topics include: 1) certified organic and uncertified weed management comparison; 2) weed seedbanks, mulches, cover crops, and soil fertility; and 3) physical and cultural weed control. Each topic will be followed by a short discussion period.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013: 8:00 AM
Springs Salon D/E (Desert Springs J.W Marriott Resort )
8:02 AM
Do Certified and Uncertified Fresh-market Organic Tomato Farmers in the Midwest Manage Weeds Differently?
Kevin D. Gibson, Ph.D., Purdue University; Jose M. Gomez Vargas, Purdue University; Ariana P. Torres Bravo, Purdue University
8:32 AM
Cover Crops Influence Weed Management in Dry Edible Beans
Erin C. Taylor, Research Associate, Michigan State University; Karen A. Renner, Professor, Michigan State University; Christy L. Sprague, Assoc. Professor, Michigan State University
9:00 AM
Timing of Early Weed Control Practices by Growing Degree Days
Erin C. Taylor, Research Associate, Michigan State University; Karen A. Renner, Professor, Michigan State University; Christy L. Sprague, Assoc. Professor, Michigan State University
9:31 AM
Impact of Vineyard Floor Management Practices on Weed Communities and Soil Quality
Richard F. Smith, University of California Cooperative Extension; Larry J. Bettiga, University of California Cooperative Extension; Michael Cahn, University of California Cooperative Extension
See more of: Workshop