Workshop: I’ve Earned My Degree…What’s Next?
Workshop: I’ve Earned My Degree…What’s Next?
The objectives of this workshop are to: learn about careers in land-grant and non-land-grant universities as postdocs, professors and research technicians; learn about careers with the USDA as postdocs and professors.
The objectives of this workshop are to: learn about careers in land-grant and non-land-grant universities as postdocs, professors and research technicians; learn about careers with the USDA as postdocs and professors.
You’ve put the time, energy, blood, sweat, and tears into finishing your degree. Now that you’ve got that little piece of paper, what’s next? Explore the possibilities of a career in academia or with the USDA. Professors, USDA scientists, post-docs, and technicians will share their experiences and will provide an idea of what their career path could be like for you. Join us to have the opportunity to speak with professors from both land grant and non-land grant universities, post-docs from the USDA and academia, and USDA scientists involved with universities or research stations.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013: 8:00 AM
Desert Salon 13-14 (Desert Springs J.W Marriott Resort )