Viticulture and Small Fruits (Oral)

Thursday, July 25, 2013: 8:00 AM
Desert Salon 1-2 (Desert Springs J.W Marriott Resort )
8:00 AM
The Effect of Terbacil, Root Injury, and Rhizoctonia fragariae on Strawberry and the Development of Black Root Rot
E.K. Lavely, The Pennsylvania State University; B.K. Gugino, The Pennsylvania State University; K. Demchak, Pennsylvania State University; R.P. Marini, Pennsylvania State University
8:15 AM
Genetic Parameter Estimates for Resistance to Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and Comparisons with Production Traits in Strawberry
Jozer Mangandi, University of Florida; Luis F. Osorio, University of Florida; Vance M. Whitaker, University of Florida
8:30 AM
Extending the Strawberry Season: High Tunnels, Low Tunnels, and Targeted Supplemental Heating
Tiffany Maughan, Utah State University; Brent Black, Professor, Utah State University; Dan Drost, Utah State University
9:00 AM
Effect of Rootstock and Soil Amendment on Three Highbush Blueberry Cultivars
Wei Qiang Yang, Associate Professor, Oregon State University; Adrienne Basey, North Willamette Res & Ext Center; Peter Sturman, North Willamette Res & Ext Center
9:15 AM
The Effect of Timing and Intensity of Summer Pruning on Vegetative and Reproductive Traits of Southern Highbush Blueberry
Alisson Pacheco Kovaleski, University of Florida; Jeffrey G. Williamson, University of Florida; Rebecca L. Darnell, University of Florida
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