Controlled Environments Student Competition
Controlled Environments Student Competition
Organizer: Controlled Environment Working Group Presiding: Gioia D. Massa Please note: Each student competing in this competition will be giving their presentation in their session as outlined in the program and then they will repeat it a second time in this competition session. Competition Participants: Wesley Randall Determining the Effectiveness of Red and Blue Light-Emitting Diodes As Supplemental Lighting During Seedling (plug) Propagation Geoffrey Weaver Reducing Evapotranspiration of Pansies: Efficacy and Duration of ABA and ABA-Analog Spray Applications Peter Alem Control of Poinsettia Stem Elongation: Height Limits Using Deficit Irrigation Olyssa Starry Effects of Water Availability and Temperature On CAM Expression and Water Use Efficiency By Sedum Album and Sedum Kamtschaticum Rhuanito Soranz Ferrarezi Subirrigation Controlled By Capacitance Sensors For Citrus Rootstock Production Ricardo Hernández Comparison of LED Supplemental Lighting and High Pressure Sodium Energy Consumption and Plant Responses of Cucumber and Tomato Transplants Ismail Koc Photosynthetic and Morphological Response of Abies Fraseri (Pursh) Poir to the Combined Effect of Irrigation and Fertilization in Controlled Environment Celina Gomez Comparison of Light-Emitting Diode Towers Vs. High-Pressure Sodium Lamps for Year-Round Production of High-Wire Greenhouse-Grown Tomatoes Angelos I. Deltsidis Development of Tomato Aroma Profiles During Low Temperature Storage in Air Or CA and Recovery During Shelf Life Bandara Gajanayake Physiological and Growth Responses of Two Sweetpotato Cultivars At Early Season Soil Moisture Deficit Michael Dzakovich A Semiyearly Study On the Effect of Light Quality On Flavor of Greenhouse Grown Tomatoes: LED Versus HPS Diana Vercillo Physiology of Solanaceous Scion and Rootstock Seedlings for Grafting in Low Temperature Storage Conditions Under Low Light Intensity
Organizer: Controlled Environment Working Group Presiding: Gioia D. Massa Please note: Each student competing in this competition will be giving their presentation in their session as outlined in the program and then they will repeat it a second time in this competition session. Competition Participants: Wesley Randall Determining the Effectiveness of Red and Blue Light-Emitting Diodes As Supplemental Lighting During Seedling (plug) Propagation Geoffrey Weaver Reducing Evapotranspiration of Pansies: Efficacy and Duration of ABA and ABA-Analog Spray Applications Peter Alem Control of Poinsettia Stem Elongation: Height Limits Using Deficit Irrigation Olyssa Starry Effects of Water Availability and Temperature On CAM Expression and Water Use Efficiency By Sedum Album and Sedum Kamtschaticum Rhuanito Soranz Ferrarezi Subirrigation Controlled By Capacitance Sensors For Citrus Rootstock Production Ricardo Hernández Comparison of LED Supplemental Lighting and High Pressure Sodium Energy Consumption and Plant Responses of Cucumber and Tomato Transplants Ismail Koc Photosynthetic and Morphological Response of Abies Fraseri (Pursh) Poir to the Combined Effect of Irrigation and Fertilization in Controlled Environment Celina Gomez Comparison of Light-Emitting Diode Towers Vs. High-Pressure Sodium Lamps for Year-Round Production of High-Wire Greenhouse-Grown Tomatoes Angelos I. Deltsidis Development of Tomato Aroma Profiles During Low Temperature Storage in Air Or CA and Recovery During Shelf Life Bandara Gajanayake Physiological and Growth Responses of Two Sweetpotato Cultivars At Early Season Soil Moisture Deficit Michael Dzakovich A Semiyearly Study On the Effect of Light Quality On Flavor of Greenhouse Grown Tomatoes: LED Versus HPS Diana Vercillo Physiology of Solanaceous Scion and Rootstock Seedlings for Grafting in Low Temperature Storage Conditions Under Low Light Intensity
Tuesday, July 23, 2013: 6:00 PM
Springs Salon D/E (Desert Springs J.W Marriott Resort )
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