"Me and My MOOC”-An Online University of Florida Class in Global Sustainable Energy

Tuesday, July 29, 2014: 10:55 AM
Salon 13/14 (Rosen Plaza Hotel)
Wendell Porter, Ph.D. Lecturer , University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
The advent of new media types allow for the development of new delivery systems and just as a movie is different from a book of the same title, the delivery of educational material is different online than it would be in a traditional classroom.  This presentation will explore the transition of a typical university class into an asynchronous online learning experience.  Developmental methods will be discussed as will typical problem areas.  The multi-faceted approach for each learning topic, or module, will be outlined and examples given.  The necessity of the pairing of the Instructional Designer and the content expert faculty will be explained and discussed in detail.  The seven year history of this class will be summarized and used as a lead in to discuss the conversion of this methodology into a new learning delivery methodology titled: massive, open, online course, or MOOC.  The interaction of the instructor in the original online course is a key part of the student experience while as a matter of course, this capability is entirely removed for the MOOC.  With 10,000 to 100,000 students, interaction with the instructor is quite limited.  Course construction and differences will be presented along with examples of how this method can be useful for extension activities.