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2014 ASHS Annual Conference

Impact of Consumers' Visual Attention to Product Attributes on their Willingness-to-pay for Apple Juice

Tuesday, July 29, 2014: 6:00 PM
Salon 5 (Rosen Plaza Hotel)
Alicia L. Rihn, University of Minnesota, St. Paul
Chengyan Yue, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN
Consumers are exposed to a large amount of visual stimuli while they are making their purchasing decisions.  Determining what product attributes are visually noticed and impact purchasing decisions is challenging.  Eye-tracking and experimental auctions were conducted to estimate consumer willingness-to pay (WTP) for different apple juice attributes.  Attributes included production methods (organic, “all natural”) and origin (local, domestic, import).  Tobit models were used to analyze the data.  The analysis of eye-tracking data allowed researchers to relate consumers’ visual search behavior with their WTP bids for the products.  We found consumers’ visual attention increases for important or complex product attributes that positively or negatively affect their WTP bids.  Participants who fixate more on the organic logo or “all natural” are willing to pay more for apple juice.  Conversely, participants who fixate more on imported apple juice are willing to pay less for apple juice.  Consumers’ socio-demographics impact their WTP bids and visual attention to product attributes.  We conclude retailers could use in-store marketing strategies to improve the visibility of attributes that improve consumers’ WTP.