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2014 ASHS Annual Conference

Implementing the eXtension Ask an Expert Program with Master Gardener Volunteers

Tuesday, July 29, 2014: 8:30 AM
Salon 7 (Rosen Plaza Hotel)
Pamela J. Bennett, Ohio State University Extension, Ohio State University Extension, Springfield, OH
Denise Johnson, Program Manager, Ohio State University Extension, Springfield, OH
In 2011, Ohio State University Extension (OSUE) had several retirements in the area of Agriculture and Natural Resources which left a void in many counties in the area of answering home gardening questions.  In addition, several counties were left without Master Gardener Volunteer (MGV) leadership which meant these counties were struggling with meeting clientele needs.  At the same time, the eXtension Ask an Expert program was available.  The Educator realized the need and recruited MGVs to answer questions via the eXtension online program, calling the program Ask a Master Gardener (AaMG).

The goal for the OSUE AaMG program was two-fold:  1) to assist counties that did not have Agriculture Educators as well as those counties whose MGV programs were small or struggling; and 2) to become the go-to resource for consumer gardening information in Ohio.  Extension Administration supported this program by providing money for a 40% FTE Program Manager to help oversee the questions and answers and financial resources to develop marketing materials for the program.  The Program Manager position is ongoing and the marketing dollars are for a three year period of time to get the program up and running.

The Educator and Program Manager developed advertising materials which included a rack card, magnets with the web address, and an icon for the website, and a table top display.  Other marketing materials have been distributed by MGV programs throughout the state and more than 20,000 magnets and 10,000 rack cards have been distributed.

In 2013 we had 93 MGVs in 34 counties answering questions.  During the May through August growing season, they answered 911 questions out of a total 1,396 that came into OSU Extension overall.  They spent approximately 680 hours answering questions and contributing their services to OSUE.  They are eager to learn and develop skills in the area of diagnosing plant problems.   

We provide training webinars, pay for registration fee for statewide Diagnostic Workshops and other programs for the volunteers. 

Extension administration is overwhelmingly supportive of this program.  Director Keith Smith has indicated that it's well worth the money as it frees up Extension Educators to focus on other local issues as opposed to home gardening questions.  We are utilizing a group of capable, trained volunteers in order to allow our Educators time for other program efforts.