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2014 ASHS Annual Conference

Plasticulture and Protected Agriculture: Current Status and Prospects for the Sahellian Region of West Africa

Tuesday, July 29, 2014: 8:40 AM
Salon 11 (Rosen Plaza Hotel)
Edward E. Carey, International Potato Center, Kumasi, Ghana
Laurent Stravato, IDE, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Koussao Some, PhD, INERA Kamboinse, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
Farmers in the West African Sahel region are notoriously vulnerable to climatic uncertainties.  Many rely on rainfed agriculture, which makes them increasingly vulnerable to food and nutrition insecurity.  Where water is available for irrigation, dry season gardening is an important form of agriculture. The use of appropriate plasticulture technology, particularly drip irrigation, for the production of horticultural crops, can provide a sustainable solution to improving food and nutrition security.  We briefly review the history, current status, and potential of drip irrigation and other plasticulture technologies to improve livelihoods of small scale farmers in the region.  Specific examples will be given from iDE’s work in commercial vegetable production systems in Burkina Faso, and with respect to the potential applications in sweetpotato planting material and root production.  The appropriateness of technologies and importance of market linkages to ensure benefits of plasticulture technologies in remote locations will be considered.