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2014 ASHS Annual Conference

Evaluating Recruitment within the Green Industry

Thursday, July 31, 2014: 10:30 AM
Salon 7 (Rosen Plaza Hotel)
Kira L. Chaloupka, Auburn University, Auburn, AL
Carolyn W. Robinson, Auburn University, Auburn, AL
Donald J. Eakes, Auburn University, Auburn, AL
J. David Williams, Auburn University, Auburn, AL
Paul M. Patterson, Auburn University, Auburn, AL
Amanda L. Martin, Auburn University, Auburn, AL
Today’s college students are living in a digital age, but how closely do recruitment efforts in horticulture target these students? The last time recruitment studies in horticulture were published was 10-20 years ago, so this data does not accurately depict the students of today. Trends in recruitment need to be re-evaluated based on influential factors prompting them into the field and re-established this identity to better define them. These students play a vital role in supplying the job market in the Green Industry, which is in high demand according to industry. This study was conducted via a survey given to current students who attended PLANET’s 2014 Student Career Days with the objective was multifaceted, with one portion being to identify influential factors in a student’s decision to pursue a career in the field of horticulture. The results show prior experience in gardening played a large role as well as talking with a parent or relative in students’ decision to pursue a degree in horticulture. It was also determined that 41% of students were another major prior to horticulture and may give rise to additional areas of recruitment. These results will provide both academia and industry in horticulture vital information in enhancing the efforts of recruitment and securing the necessary supply of students for the job openings aheah in the Green Industry.