2014 ASHS Annual Conference
Growth and Development of Canna Lily ‘Erimine' Liners Treated with Flurprimidol or Paclobutrazol
Growth and Development of Canna Lily ‘Erimine' Liners Treated with Flurprimidol or Paclobutrazol
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Ballroom A/B/C (Rosen Plaza Hotel)
An experiment was designed to evaluate flurprimidol and paclobutrazol on the growth and development of canna lily liners. Canna lily (Canna x generalis) ‘Ermine’ liners were transplanted into 11.4L containers and treatments applied March 1, 2012 when plants averaged 29 cm in height (3 to 4 well developed leaves). The 16 treatments were an untreated control, floral sprays of flurprimidol and paclobutrazol at rates of 25, 50 and 100µg·g-1, soil drenches of flurprimidol and paclobutrazol at rates of 1, 2 and 4µg·g-1 and granular flurprimidol at rates of 1, 2 and 4µg·g-1. Foliar sprays were applied with a spray bottle at a volume of 3.8L per 18.6m2 (spray-to-drip) and soil drenches at 740mL per container. Each treatment consisted of 8 replicates. Initial results from this study indicate that flurprimidol treatments applied as a soil drench and granular at the 2 and 4µg·g-1 rates significantly reduced plant height >50% from the control. Soil drenches of paclobutrazol and foliar sprays of flurprimidol reduced plant height 19% and 17%, respectively. The foliar sprays of paclobutrazol did not significantly reduce plant height 3.5%. Scape length was significantly reduced for the soil drench and granular flurprimidol treatments at the 4µg·g-1 rate. Days to flowering was not significantly different with flowering occurring between 42 to 47 days for all treatments.