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2014 ASHS Annual Conference

How to Find an International Horticulture Opportunity That Fits Your Experience

Monday, July 28, 2014: 4:00 PM
Salon 11 (Rosen Plaza Hotel)
John L. Griffis Jr., Marine and Ecological Sciences, Florida Gulf Coast University, Ft. Myers, FL
Many horticulturists, from home gardeners to students to professors to researchers, dream of traveling internationally, meeting exotic people and working on projects in far away lands. Certainly there exists a wealth of opportunities, but some of the more familiar ones, such at the USAID-funded farmer-to-farmer program require more than a bit of professional experience and are not available to non-US citizens. Other longer-term consulting opportunities are often very difficult to qualify for without a lot of prior experience and a specific degree may be required. So, how does anyone get a start in international horticulture? There are actually a lot of ways to gain valuable experience and there are a lot of websites where anyone can find out much more. We’ll briefly look over several programs and portals that will help guide you along the path to the “right” international horticulture opportunity.