2014 ASHS Annual Conference
Workshop: Technological Innovations in Smart Device and Computer Usage for Extension and Teaching *CEU Approved
Workshop: Technological Innovations in Smart Device and Computer Usage for Extension and Teaching *CEU Approved
The goal of this workshop is to familiarize the audience with leading-edge applications of smart devices and computers for extension and teaching.
The goal of this workshop is to familiarize the audience with leading-edge applications of smart devices and computers for extension and teaching.
With ever-changing developments in smart devices, computers, software, and high technology, one's professional development calls for keeping abreast of advanced horticultural applications. In this workshop, four speakers will share their experiences involving innovative applications that use smart devices and computers for extension and teaching. The audience will learn about a customizable mobile website for floriculture training information, a website on greenhouse production and management for greenhouse operators, software tools for developing and delivering online courses and high quality images, and assignments involving students creating websites to develop their web technology skills.
Monday, July 28, 2014: 1:45 PM
Salon 12 (Rosen Plaza Hotel)