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Plant and Soil Sensors for Better Control of Plant Quality

Thursday, August 6, 2015: 2:00 PM
Bayside C (Sheraton Hotel New Orleans)
Lauren Crawford , Decagon Devices, Pullman, WA
Do you think that plant and soil sensors to manage irrigation are just for growers that want to save water?  While the use of the sensors may often save water, the real benefits to growers come from better control of plant quality, disease, and maturation. Join Lauren Crawford of Decagon Devices for a discussion of the latest advances in soils and plant monitoring.  Lauren will discuss recently released sensors as well as specific results that growers are seeing in practice.  The GS1 soil water content sensor, a stainless steel and epoxy sensor released in 2014 is designed for growers requiring a rugged but inexpensive soil water content sensor.  The Spectral Reflectance Sensors (SRS), also released in 2014, continuously monitor plant characteristics such as NDVI and PRI.  Lauren will also preview Decagon’s PlantPoint system, an irrigation monitoring and control system developed as part of a large SCRI grant scheduled to be released in late 2015.