Indicates sessions with recordings available.
John R. Clark
University of Arkansas
316 Plant Science
Evaluating Bacterial Spot [Xanthomonas arboricola pv. Pruni (Xap)] Resistance for Molecular Characterization and Incorporation of Marker-assisted Breeding (MAB) into the University of Arkansas Peach and Nectarine Breeding Program
A Breeder-friendly DNA Fingerprinting Protocol for Blackberry Fruit
Yield Performance and Cold Hardiness of Advanced Thorny and Thornless Primocane-fruiting Blackberry Selections at Kentucky State University
Aromatic Impact of Fresh Blackberries Identified by a Descriptive Sensory Panel
YouTube Videos Provide Expansion of Information of Fruit Cultivars
Genetic Diversity and Association Analysis for Bolting, Tallness, and Erectness in Spinach
The Use of Seed Germination Rate as an Indicator of Heat Tolerance in Spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.)
Fruit Quality and Polyphenolic Compounds of ‘Tupy' Blackberry Influenced by Pruning Time and Irrigation Management in a Subtropical Climate
Analysis of Blackberry Fruit Firmness in Crispy Fruit Segregating Populations
Why Wait for the Fruit? DNA-informed Breeding in Rosaceae: Prediction of Apple, Peach, and Sweet Cherry Skin Color as a Case Study
Strategic Planning, Public Gardens, Arboreta, and the Gardening Public