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Reducing Postharvest Losses: Historical Perspective and Emerging Technologies (Workshop) *CEU Approved

To discuss postharvest losses in the context of historical and current practices, to present emerging technologies to reduce such losses in both developing and developed nations, and to discuss methods to facilitate the adoption of these technologies.
Postharvest losses in developing and developed nations can be significant, commonly representing a loss of 10-40% of the harvested product.  Losses occur through mishandling, insufficient cooling, poor storage and temperature management, and lack of infrastructure to get products to market in a timely fashion.  Decreasing postharvest losses is often a first step to increased economic returns, especially in areas with limited resources.  This workshop will discuss 1) historical postharvest methods to reduce produce losses - their benefits and shortcomings, 2) emerging technologies for both developed and developing nations, including cooling and transportation, and 3) methods to increase the adoption of new technologies and practices, including education and the linking of farmers to both local and international markets.
Wednesday, August 5, 2015: 10:15 AM
Nottoway (Sheraton Hotel New Orleans)