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Floriculture 2 (Poster)

Wednesday, August 5, 2015: 12:15 PM
Napoleon Expo Hall (Sheraton Hotel New Orleans)
Lantana Cultivars Respond Differently to Plant Growth Regulator Substrate Drenches, Poster Board # 362
Christopher J. Currey, Iowa State University; Kellie J. Walters, Iowa State University; Kenneth G. McCabe, Iowa State University
Wetting Agent Addition for Limiting Risks of Hydrophobicity of Peat Substrate, Poster Board # 363
Jean-Charles Michel, Agrocampus Ouest; Brian Eugene Jackson, North Carolina State University; William C. Fonteno, North Carolina State University
Effect of Water Content on the Hydration Efficiency of Several Organic Substrates, Poster Board # 364
Jean-Charles Michel, Agrocampus Ouest; Brian E. Eugene Jackson, North Carolina State University; William C. Fonteno, North Carolina State University
Growing Media in France and Europe: Inventory and Current Perspectives, Poster Board # 365
Jean-Charles Michel, Agrocampus Ouest; Gerald Schmilewski, Klasmann-Deilmann; Laurent Largant, C.A.S.; Brian E. Eugene Jackson, North Carolina State University; William C. Fonteno, North Carolina State University
Comparative Efficacy of Various Substrates on Growth, Flowering, and Vase Life of ‘Vermeer' Lilium, Poster Board # 366
Iftikhar Ahmad, PhD, University of Agriculture; Faria Azher, University of Agriculture; John Dole, North Carolina State University
The Effect of Moisture Adjustment Procedures on Substrate Hydration and Wettability, Poster Board # 367
Ted C. Yap, North Carolina State University; Brian Eugene Jackson, North Carolina State University; William C. Fonteno, North Carolina State University
The Effects of Parboiled Rice Hull-amended Substrates on the Growth and Water Use of Petunia and Zinnia, Poster Board # 368
Lizhen Xu, Purdue University; Nian Liu, Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering; Hye-Ji Kim, Purdue University
Physical and Chemical Properties of a Peat-based Substrate Amended with Parboiled Rice Hulls, Poster Board # 369
Lizhen Xu, Purdue University; Nian Liu, Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering; Hye-Ji Kim, Purdue University
Evaluation of Injection-moldable PLA- and PHA-based Biocomposites for Horticultural Application: Processing, Properties, and Performance, Poster Board # 371
Jake J. Behrens, Iowa State University; James A. Schrader, Iowa State University; Kenneth G. McCabe, Iowa State University; Mitchel M. Michel, Iowa State University; David Grewell, Iowa State University; Chris Currey, Iowa State University; William Richard Graves, Iowa State University
Fertilizer Rate, Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhizae, and Trichoderma Application Influenced Poinsettia Growth and Development, Poster Board # 372
Corrie Cotton, University of Maryland Eastern Shore; Fawzy Hashem, University of Maryland Eastern Shore; Lurline Marsh, University of Maryland, Eastern Shore
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