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ASHS 2015 Annual Conference

Handling of Refrigeration (Temperature and Time) During Shipping of 'Ataulfo' Mango Exported from Mexico to the United States

Friday, August 7, 2015
Napoleon Expo Hall (Sheraton Hotel New Orleans)
Jorge A. Osuna-Garcia, INIFAP-Santiago Ixcuintla Experimental Station, Santiago Ixcuintla, Nayarit, Mexico
Yolanda Nolasco-Gonzalez, INIFAP-Santiago Ixcuintla Experimental Station, Santiago Ixcuintla, Nayarit, Mexico
Orlando M. Rodriguez-Venegas, Universidad Tecnologica de la Costa, Santiago Ixcuintla, Nayarit, Mexico
The purpose of this assay was to evaluate the effect of temperature and refrigeration time on quality and shelf-life of ‘Ataulfo’ mango fruit intended for exportation from Mexico to the USA. Fruit treated with quarantine hot water treatment (115.0 °F for 75 min) and hydrocooling (69.8-73.4 °F for 30 min) were collected from a packing line in a commercial packinghouse. Fruit had uniform size, good external appearance and freedom from mechanical damage, pests, and diseases. Ten batches of 35 fruit were submitted to refrigeration at 53.6, 57.2, or 60.8 °F and three times of shipping simulation (3, 5, or 7 days). One of the batches was the control treatment without refrigeration. After finishing the respective shipping times, fruit were kept under market simulation (71.6 ± 3 °F; 75 ± 10 % RH) until full ripeness. Variables analyzed were: weight loss, external appearance, peel color, firmness, pulp color, total soluble solids, tritatable acidity, and ratio °Bx/Acidity. Sampling was done before refrigeration, at the end of refrigeration period, one week after, and at consumption stage. Refrigeration decreased weight loss at the end of shipping simulation and slightly at consumption stage. It did not affect the external fruit appearance, which was good to fair for all treatments at the end of shipping simulation, but lower for the control fruit at consumption stage. In addition, refrigeration delayed the ripening process and lengthened shelf-life since it retarded the skin color development, maintained pulp firmness, slowed down the intensity of pulp color and delayed total soluble solids content, as well as, acidity decline. However, control fruit showed a higher ratio °Bx/Acidity at consumption stage. Refrigeration at 53.6, 57.2, or 60.8 °F did not show any chilling injury at any sampling time. The times of refrigerated shipping simulation did not affect weight loss, external appearance or peel color, but they maintained pulp firmness and delayed pulp color, total soluble solids development, and acidity decline. However, temperature and refrigerated shipping times decreased the ratio of °Bx/Acidity at consumption stage comparing to control fruit, indicating the best temperature for ripening mango is at 71.6 ± 3 °F. In conclusion, ‘Ataulfo’ mango fruit for exporting from Mexico to the USA can be shipped under relatively warm temperatures (53.6 to 60.8 °F) without affecting quality and shelf-life.

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