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ASHS 2015 Annual Conference

Navigating the Extension Master Gardener Rescreening Process

Friday, August 7, 2015: 11:00 AM
Oak Alley (Sheraton Hotel New Orleans)
Pamela J. Bennett, Ohio State University Extension, Springfield, OH, United States
Johnson Denise, Program Manager, Ohio State University Extension, Springfield, OH
Since 2001, the state of Ohio has required fingerprint background checks for all volunteers working with vulnerable populations. Ohio State University adopted that policy that staff and all OSU volunteers would be required to undergo the background check process prior to serving in a volunteer capacity. This initial screening was implemented for Extension Master Gardeners (EMG) with little fanfare. Current volunteers were granted grandfather status.  New classes that came on board accepted the requirement as status quo.  In 2014, the University established Policy 1.50, whereby all volunteers as well as employees would undergo the rescreening (fingerprint background check) process every four years. This policy was met with a little resistance from the volunteers and resulted in the loss of a few EMGs statewide. In addition to the rescreening, Policy 1.50 required that staff and volunteers undergo yearly training on signs of Child Abuse Recognition and Reporting (ARR). This policy was also implemented in 2014. This presentation will walk through the process of working through the logistics of the fingerprinting and rescreening procedure as well as working with the Extension Master Gardeners on implementation. We will also discuss the ARR training program and implementation as well as suggestions on how to make this transition a little easier in other states. These processes have been established to protect our staff and volunteers as well as the reputation of the University.  In addition, our clientele have the satisfaction of knowing that our volunteers are screened.