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ASHS 2015 Annual Conference

Vegetable Crops Management 2 (Oral)

Wednesday, August 5, 2015: 1:45 PM
Borgne (Sheraton Hotel New Orleans)
2:00 PM
Growing Vegetables for Local Consumption in the Northern Great Plains
Chiwon W. Lee, North Dakota State University; Thomas Kalb, North Dakota State University; Terrance Nennich, Minnesota Extension Services
2:15 PM
Photosynthetic Responses of "Specialty Greens" to Irradiance and Carbon Dioxide
John Erwin, University of Minnesota; Esther Gesick, University of Minnesota
2:30 PM
Evaluation of Activated Charcoal as a Remedy for Soil Residual Herbicide Injury
Joseph G. Masabni, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension; Muthu Bagavathiannan, Texas A&M University; Thomas Isakeit, Texas A&M University; Paul Baumann, Texas A&M University
3:00 PM
Biochar Soil Amendment to Save Water and Enhance Vegetable Productivity
Britney Hunter, Utah State University; Shawn Olsen, Utah State University; Marion Murray, Utah State University; Diane Alston, Utah State University; Grant Cardon, Utah State University; Darren McAvoy, Utah State University
3:15 PM
Winter Produce Potential in Conventional and "Deep Winter" Greenhouses in the Upper Midwest
Liz Perkus, University of Minnesota; John Erwin, University of Minnesota; Carl J. Rosen, University of Minnesota; Joanne Slavin, University of Minnesota; Justin Carlson, University of Minnesota; Greg Schweser, Associate Director Local Foods and Sustainable Agriculture, University of Minnesota
3:30 PM
Growing Food with Garbage: Waste Amendments for Vegetable Production
Rebecca J. Long, University of Rhode Island; Robert Bercaw, University of Rhode Island; Angela R. Possinger, Cornell University; José A. Amador, University of Rhode Island; Rebecca N. Brown, University of Rhode Island
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