The 20 questions follow a logical order and provide the necessary steps that one must take in order to make an accurate diagnosis. Beginning with identifying the plant and the common problems of the plant and ending with recommendations, the questions provide the MGVs with a valuable tool to guide them through the diagnostic process.
This tool is utilized in Diagnostic Workshops and various programs for MGVs in order to provide consistent content when it comes to learning how to diagnose plant problems. Rather than learning about a specific problem, learners look at the process that will lead to greater success in diagnostics. The 20 questions guide learners through the process of developing a sound diagnosis.
Approximately 360 MGVs have participated in training in the past three years utilizing this tool; all indicated an increase in self-confidence as a result of the training. In addition, this tool has been presented to professional green industry organizations in Ohio as well as nationally at the International Society of Arboriculture Conference (2015, 2016).